Week 133 – Ben

week62“The arty people of Swindon are re-drawing, re-sculpting and re-imagining their town.”

Hi! My name’s Ben and I’m dangerously into arty, creative stuff. Music, theatre, film, sculpture… You name it, I’ve probably tripped up a curb while daydreaming about it.

I originally come from the North and moved to Swindon with my wife around a year ago for work. Prior to that we had been based in Manchester while I was studying for a BMus degree at the university and interning.

I assume like many of us moving to Swindon for the first time, I did so with mixed emotions. For one reason or another I was expecting some kind of grey, culturally baron wasteland. Fortunately, when I got here and started looking around that just wasn’t the case. I found a fantastic and dynamic community of creative people that are passionate about their town and genuinely want to change it for the better.

Nowadays I’m fortunate enough to make the arts my work in Swindon and I’m based at the Wyvern Theatre & Arts Centre. You’ll most likely find me popping up in weird and wacky ways at local events with the Wyvern promotions team. Outside of work hours I write for my blog (@swindonartsblog) and spend a lot of time with my lovely wife, friends and (when I can) family. Oh, plus I’m writing more music than ever – which is fun.